
So. There’s a virus spreading and people are, in general, upset about it. There’s been a run on stores for toilet paper and they’re trying to close the churches. I heard today in Illinois that restaurants have been ordered closed. Not sure if that is constitutional. I suspect it isn’t. But in general, there is a lot of fear out there.

Our lives will go on, the same. My husband and I work from home and we aren’t affected. We live this way all the time. I have food stocked if we need it. We are fine.

But I’m praying for all those whose lives are upended… Especially the seniors who won’t receive visitors, the waitresses who can’t work. The health care providers who may be exposed. I’m praying the Father wraps His arms around you and keeps you. If I can help, I will. As my friend Tom says, “When we pray we move our feet.”

I think I’d be much more panicked if I hadn’t been through hell these past two years. I’ve been trained over the past two years to trust the Lord. For those of you who don’t know, I got very sick and went into the hospital and then had a 6 week recovery period, we lost a lot of business, and we very nearly lost our house. On top of that my mom had a heart attack, my sysadmin died and our dog died. Our dog dying was terrible. He was like our child.

We went through hell.

And we saw miracles. Real miracles. God came through for us. He is continuing to come through for us. Our house was saved. We were given blessing. So I’m not worried. I’m praying. I’ve been taught to trust.

But I have some tools.

One of them is an app. It’s called the Pause app. It’s free, you can download it from the app store or Google Play. It’s a rescue. It forces you to pause, to give everyone and everything over to the Lord. To be restored in union with Him. It’s really good. Go get it.

The Holy Spirit is, of course, my biggest gift. He is my rescue. He spoke to me this morning and I wanted to share this with you all. I teach the children at our church. And the lesson He gave me today was pretty incredible, I thought. It was on the woman at the well. Jesus was talking to her about living water that wells up in your soul.

The image I got was of my daffodils, planted outside. They have roots digging down into the soil that feed them. They flower and flourish.

Contrast that with cut flowers.

Cut flowers can survive for a time, but they’re going to fail, they die. The plant that is planted will live and come back. Living water. They have life.

The idea is that when we stay connected to the Lord, we have His spirit flowing into us. We can stop and ask for it. We have His Life. And even if we die, we will live. Those who know Christ and His love, we are planted. We are not cut flowers. We are rooted in Him.

Anyhow. I just wanted to share that with you.


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