Project Looking Glass

If you are not a person who investigates conspiracy theories much you may not have heard of Project Looking Glass or the Stargates. I don’t mean the stargates on the popular TV show. I love Daniel and Tealc as much as anyone. No. I’m talking about the actual stargate program, the one where the US […]

What If?

What if my new book bombs? What if I forgot something or should have added something? What if it isn’t as good as the first one? What if my inner critic is broken and what I think is good sucks? What if I can’t write anything any more? What if I am a one hit […]

What If?

Big Happy

So last week as a family we dealt with a big sad. Emily’s father died and it was very painful for everyone. I’ve been remarried for almost 20 years but even for me it was a horrible event. Heartbreaking. Painful. Sometimes, when you have a big sad, you need a big happy. I am not […]

Big Happy


So some of you might have noticed the Epilogue of Sorrowfish. Wherein an elderly gentleman instructs Bastien to “Bring [Sara] to Los Angeles soon.” Really guys? no curiosity about that? Really? and you know I love conspiracy theories. LOVE THEM. These are fantastic plot fodder. I used several when writing Sorrowfish. Can you imagine I […]


Tim Ballard

In my book, there is a scene with my bad guy, Siles, where he sacrifices children. A beta reader did not believe that Siles was a bad guy. I ended that debate when I added the scene. But I also am passionately against the trafficking and slavery of children. Sexual abuse. Organ harvesting. Today, I […]

Tim Ballard

Writer Brain

One of the things I have been very aware of over the past few years is a phenomenon I call “writer brain.” It exists in most humans I think. Some of us more than others. I first understood it, dimly, when I watched Ally McBeal back in the day. The show explains it, demonstrates it, […]

Writer Brain

Well, Rats.

ISFAB is the Indie Sci-Fi Fantasy Author Battle. I entered. 100 books were entered and 40 were chosen to move forward. Mine was not one of those. AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGH. I’m sorry but, no. I do not understand. I just don’t. I’m really disappointed. I thought I would at least make it to round 2. No. Og-Grim-Dog: […]

Well, Rats.


It’s almost time! I’m launching an AUDIOBOOK + ARTWORK giveaway soon! It starts on Feb 15 and runs through Feb 21st! No purchase necessary. You can enter three ways. Visit my Facebook Page (2 entries), Send a Tweet (3 entries) or listen to my audiobook sample and and answer a question. You can do any […]



Ask anyone who knows me. They will tell you I am opinionated. Sometimes extremely so. But this year I had the opportunity to work with people who think the opposite of me. It was really hard at first. I was sort of angry with God that He would ask me to do it. So when […]



I don’t know who needs to hear this today. But I was reflecting on my lunch and decided I’d put it out there. I had made CORD soup. CORD soup is Clean Out the Refrigerator Day soup. I start with tomato soup and add two cans full of water. Then I throw in whatever is […]


Weird Dreams

You may have noticed. I have weird dreams and sometimes write about them. I do not have dreams as weird as Sara’s. However last night was pretty close! FUN FACT: A third of the Bible has to do with dreams, dreaming and interpreting dreams. I thought that was mighty cool. Anyhow. So I have been […]

Weird Dreams