Project Looking Glass

If you are not a person who investigates conspiracy theories much you may not have heard of Project Looking Glass or the Stargates. I don’t mean the stargates on the popular TV show. I love Daniel and Tealc as much as anyone. No. I’m talking about the actual stargate program, the one where the US […]

What If?

What if my new book bombs? What if I forgot something or should have added something? What if it isn’t as good as the first one? What if my inner critic is broken and what I think is good sucks? What if I can’t write anything any more? What if I am a one hit […]

What If?

Big Happy

So last week as a family we dealt with a big sad. Emily’s father died and it was very painful for everyone. I’ve been remarried for almost 20 years but even for me it was a horrible event. Heartbreaking. Painful. Sometimes, when you have a big sad, you need a big happy. I am not […]

Big Happy


So some of you might have noticed the Epilogue of Sorrowfish. Wherein an elderly gentleman instructs Bastien to “Bring [Sara] to Los Angeles soon.” Really guys? no curiosity about that? Really? and you know I love conspiracy theories. LOVE THEM. These are fantastic plot fodder. I used several when writing Sorrowfish. Can you imagine I […]


Tim Ballard

In my book, there is a scene with my bad guy, Siles, where he sacrifices children. A beta reader did not believe that Siles was a bad guy. I ended that debate when I added the scene. But I also am passionately against the trafficking and slavery of children. Sexual abuse. Organ harvesting. Today, I […]

Tim Ballard

Writer Brain

One of the things I have been very aware of over the past few years is a phenomenon I call “writer brain.” It exists in most humans I think. Some of us more than others. I first understood it, dimly, when I watched Ally McBeal back in the day. The show explains it, demonstrates it, […]

Writer Brain


I don’t know who needs to hear this today. But I was reflecting on my lunch and decided I’d put it out there. I had made CORD soup. CORD soup is Clean Out the Refrigerator Day soup. I start with tomato soup and add two cans full of water. Then I throw in whatever is […]


Weird Dreams

You may have noticed. I have weird dreams and sometimes write about them. I do not have dreams as weird as Sara’s. However last night was pretty close! FUN FACT: A third of the Bible has to do with dreams, dreaming and interpreting dreams. I thought that was mighty cool. Anyhow. So I have been […]

Weird Dreams

SPFBO Spotlight on Allegra Pescatore

Allegra Pescatore wrote Where Shadows Lie and entered it in the SPFBO6. The story has a large cast and intricate plot, centering around the royal family and the rebellion against them. Princess Elenor is taken by the rebellion when her brother, the heir, tries to assassinate their father. This is a complex and mature story […]

SPFBO Spotlight on Allegra Pescatore