I was cut in the nicest possible way. J.A. Andrews actually broke the news to me. I have a chronic health issue that flared today. It sent me to bed this afternoon. I crashed and when I woke up, the news was in my messages. Janice is very kind. I’m glad I heard it from her. I got a great review, which is the best one can hope for if they don’t win.
I’m in the company of a great many fantastic authors. Justin Lee Anderson, who knocked me out, wrote a wonderful book and I shall be rooting for him from now on. Go Justin! Absolutely awesome dude! I told you what would happen. lol.
Losing this competition is rite of passage. I’m proud I was part of it. I’m proud of my book. I’ve made some great friends I would never have met had I not done it. The funny thing was, D.M. Murray, my judge, didn’t say a word about my faith, which should have been prominent throughout my story. But that’s okay. He might not have seen it. That’s okay too. I want those who have ears to hear, to hear. Those who don’t will not.
When this year started, the Lord told me the battle was His. It still is.
And I still trust Him.
UPDATE: (10/6/20)
I became a bestseller last night. I cracked the top hundred on Arthurian Fantasy for the first time.